Tuesday, October 16, 2007

WK6_Personal Reflection on Podcasting, Interactive TV and Cable

Podcasting’s content can be anything convey by an audio or video file from a server to client, such as recorded lecture, music, and French language lesson which is built around active learning and collaborative thinking. Educating podcasting require more preparation with little editing or other post production before podcasting to the world. However, podcasting publication is part of blog or is structured around a blogging template. Screencasts are excellent tools for learning how to use computers, and several podcasts have started to reach computer users how to use software through screencasts. There is lots of wide range of educational content being developed for and delivered by podcasts. These can be curriculum related presentations to professional’s development, lectures, language lesson and all others are now available. The different between podcast and other digital media formats its ability to be syndicated, and downloaded automatically when content is added by feed reader or aggregator.
The feed is very significant in which podcast may access a list of the URLs. This list is published in RSS format which provides other information like date, titles, and text descriptions of the series and each of its episodes.
Reflecting to all this Pods is someone new to me in getting all this detail information in reference to educational usage. I bought several iPod, MP3 and MyPod for my sons and cousin last two Xmas, which they listen to music most of the time. However, the process of broadcasting, the feeds, RSS, and the aggregator function which starts when the computer is started and runs in the background, may not know if not because of this 8823 class. All this came from push and pulling technology in that the information provider chooses subscriber to a vast array of channels.
Unlike the interactive TV (iTV) and cable, which lead to question that “Why and How People Watch TV: Implications for the future of Interactive Television”. However,
A lots of information was diagnose and touch in the class discussion, what interest me most is the article from Lee and Lee (2002) by Denise, and Chen & Iris (2004) by Frank, they both touch the importance of applying the emerging technology into curriculum and integration of instructional pedagogy.
Wireless Cable Development, Satellite TV, Interactive TV, Digital Microwave, there are no technology limitation from further development. However, the digital technology into each wireless TV system will lead to increase in programming choice, and later lead to more educational interactive TV.
The delimitation of iTV is that transfer of information has serious impact on the privacy of the subscribers, because the iTV service gives the service provider more opportunities to monitor and profile subscribers and other users unknowing disclose personal information to others. There is need for more research study on the interactive TV and way we use the media focusing on interactive learning with technology and the social aspects of interactive TV system.

Alessi, S.M. & Trollip, S.R. (2001). Multimedia for learning: Methods and development (3rd ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Campbell, G. (2005). There’s something in the Air: Podcasting in education. Educause Review (November/December 2005). Pg. 33-46. Available at: http://educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/erm0561.pdf.

Curry, Adam (2005). Caught in Sticky Wiki Retrieved October 12th, 2007 from http://www.cadenhead.org/workbench/news/2828/adam-curry-caught-sticky-wiki) from http://www.adenhead.org/

Lee, Barbara & Lee, Robert (2007). How and why people watch TV: implications for the future of interactive television. Retrieved October 10th, 2007 from http://www.questia.com/googleScholar.qst;jsessionid=HSDYQqYGm7nBQcGJr2311T2LDV8vxvv2mCJ2plMGG4f04fypfyjJ!56096769?docId=5000383014

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